Labor Solutions announces the addition of a case management function for Labor Line, Labor Solutions’ Whistleblower tool to help companies meet new Human Rights Due Diligence Mandates. Combining the best of WOVO Case Management System and our Labor Line Whistleblower Hotline, the tool’s updated features make it easier than ever for global companies to implement a whistleblower line at scale and get detailed reporting from throughout the supply chain and meet new mandates and regulations.
Background: What is Human Rights Due Diligence?
Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) is the ongoing risk management process that a company needs to follow to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how it addresses its adverse human rights impacts.
There is no one-size-fits all for HRDD; rather it is an umbrella term encompassing a combination of multiple tools and processes – including surveys, digital trainings, and grievance mechanisms. More governments than ever are implementing human rights due diligence, with growing anticipation around the German Supply Chain Act’s Jan 2023 start date; a deadline many companies are using to put effective HRDD mechanisms in place. For more information on what that law requires, request your free guide to the German Supply Chain Act here.
Labor Solutions is already supporting HRDD through WOVO Worker Survey Risk Assessments and WOVO eLearnings for Workers and Managers, WOVO’s Grievance Management (managed by employers) and now offers an enhanced, improved process built alongside multinational companies for identifying grievances across complex supply chains.
Whistle Blower v. Grievance Mechanism?
A Grievance Mechanism allows workers to report problems internally to their direct employer.
A Whistle Blower tool allows workers to report a problem to an external third party (i.e. government, civil society organization, global brand etc).
It is important to offer both to workers, as a grievance mechanism allows problems to get solved quickly and, on the ground, while a whistle blower tool helps to hold accountable management when the grievance mechanism fails.
For grievance management tools—check out WOVO Connect.
Labor Line for Human Rights Due Diligence
Labor Line for Human Rights Due Diligence allows you to manage and mitigate human rights risks throughout your supply chain and receive robust reporting tools to track sites globally.
Sites Promote Labor Line to Workers via QR Codes: Sites use promotional materials and support from Labor Solutions to promote the tool. Each site has a site specific links + QR codes (customized to local language/custom).
Workers Scan QR Code and Submit Grievance Workers scan QR codes and then are able to submit a question or complaint and respond to a few questions. The form accepts audio messages and text messages. Labor Solutions offers customizable question options co-designed with you, including open ended and multiple-choice options, to ensure workers provide all the necessary issue to close the case.
Manage Cases Dashboard + Focus on Remediation: Three Options for Managing Cases: You, your suppliers or Labor Solutions can manage cases directly from the dashboard. With training and support from the Labor Solutions team, teams feel empowered to sort, manage, assign, close + attach files in the WOVO Connect Case Management System
Robust Aggregated Global Data: From your global dashboard collect data on case types, resolution speed, type + number of cases + more. Use demographic data to break down by site or country.
Labor Line can be implemented in less than a week and is available globally.
Learn more about Labor Line here or schedule a meeting with Labor Solutions’ team at
About Labor Solutions
Labor Solutions, an impact-focused business, leverages technology to connect, engage and educate workers to build resilient supply chains. Over a million and a half workers in 25 countries have access to Labor Solutions’ worker engagement platform, WOVO. Workers can respond to worker surveys, report grievances and access eLearning modules on rights and responsibilities.