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Responsible Recruitment eLearning Course Now Available

Leading industry experts, Labor Solutions and Fifty Eight, partnered to design develop and deliver eLearning courses on responsible recruitment of factory workers for management teams.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that there are 50 million people living in modern slavery globally in 2021, and 28 million people in forced labor.

As the US, EU and other countries enforce bans on products and goods made with forced labor, it is more important than ever to ensure that your supply chains are aware of forced labor, comply with relevant labor rights regulations, and ensure responsible recruitment of workers. Unsafe recruitment practices harm both business and workers, and being able to identify issues, as well as having a process for handling grievances, are critical workplace practices for suppliers and global brands.

Our new course offerings, created in partnership with Fifty Eight, are the most up-to-date and interactive courses on responsible recruitment in the industry.

Safe and responsible recruitment practices ensure that workers in your supply chain or at your workplace are aligned with your business goals, perform better, miss fewer workdays, and stay employed at the business longer. Responsible recruitment saves your business expense and supports higher quality and fewer defective products. It is up to your company’s managers to identify and promote responsible recruitment for your business. This eLearning will ensure that your managers can prevent issues by knowing how to recognize when recruiters are not acting in accordance with Responsible Recruitment.

“Good training is the most effective investment you can make to establish ethical workplaces and consistently address the challenges to worker rights and wellbeing.”

Our new courses on Responsible Recruiting for managers includes:

  • the elements of safe recruitment and how to look at the various people involved in a recruitment process;

  • questions to ask recruitment agencies to assess their practices;

  • ways to empower agencies and employees with information about fair recruitment; and

  • how to handle concerns or complaints from workers about their recruitment.

Contact us to ask about adding Responsible Recruitment for Managers to your eLearning offerings, or to discuss how Labor Solutions can support your team with an integrated system to support good management, responsible recruitment and grievance reporting and remedies.

About Fifty Eight: Our vision is simple. Good work for people everywhere. At the core of 50eight is the ambition to help business align with its primary purpose in society: to provide products and services that are good for people. Fifty Eight reinvests profits into SMEs and organisations that are committed to good practices.

Labor Solutions, a social enterprise, leverages technology to connect, engage and educate workers throughout supply chains. Over 2 million workers in over 30 countries have access to Labor Solutions’ eLearning platform, WOVO. Labor Solutions has created the learning journey with Fifty Eight’s expertise, to the standards and with quality interactions that keep learners engaged as our existing library of eLearning for managers and workers.

Please reach out if you are interested in providing support or rolling out courses to your workers or workers within your supply chain.

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